About Caribbean torpor

About Caribbean torpor

Not predatory
Not scavenger
Guardian only
Today I saw a dog die
in a video

Nobody was afraid
Not even who killed him
Not even his companions
Had a steady pulse
who recorded the video

Much less the domestic wolf
He attacked quickly and head on.
He withstood two rifle shots
He died attacking with the third
He got himself killed for his home

A home that he did not own
Very few dogs have land ownership papers
They don’t think either
They act on instinct
Experts say

I do not believe that any rabbi, priest, imam, preacher or pastor
Can accuse the dog of being a sinner
It was his instinct they will say
I shall add this:
It was fierce, sacred, and beautiful

Like a jaguar fang
Like the glyph that sometimes distinguishes their skins
That is the sign of perfection
Which must necessarily be eternal
and act without haste

My country is young
Very short of memories
We know almost nothing before Spanish
We know very little about before Bolívar
About the Indians and the blacks we make fools of ourselves

We are not capable of perennial love or hatred
Why fight over something that happened so long ago?
Few know the names of all their great-grandparents
We have neither monarchy nor nobility
Just some nouveau riche who live far away

The Indians around here did not build pyramids or empires
I think because of the Caribbean torpor
I think that rubbed off on whites and blacks.

And then with mestizaje we mulattoes perfected Caribbean antiparabolism
That in light of the facts is not so uncivilized nor so ugly

From my humble perspective
The ground that is fought over there with so much effort
It’s a piece of desert
Drier than the driest of dried leathers
And uglier than the ugliest of camels

Of course I also saw the civil father
swearing at something in the sky
while he was holding his dead baby
And I didn’t see them but I can imagine them playing with their new toys
to the military engineer and the expert advisor

But since this is taking too long, I’m going to have to leave it here
Wishing them reach some agreement there
May they solve all their problems with justice and peace
May they be very happy there and if they want we will help them
But from afar

Li Tao Po
VABM Oct/10/2023

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